Blind Date? Make It Easy!Blind Date? Make It Easy!

Blind Date? Make It Easy!

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Harga di Pasar Jongkok Online: Rp. 9.900
Gratis Sampul Plastik Mika

Pengarang: Ine Relysta
Penerbit: Gagas Media
Jumlah Halaman: 128
Cetakan: Kedua, January 2006
Status: Baru (Available)

Cek dulu deh A campai Z pernak pernik blind date:

1. Apa Blind Date itu?

2. ‘Blind’ Ways

3. Jadi Detektic Dodakan

4. Actro Dating

5. What To Do

6. Time Management

7. Who’s Gonna Pay?

8. Right Time Right Place

9. Do and Donts Topik

10. Prepare Your Look

11. …

12. …

23. …

So, are you ready to have a blind date? Make it easy, girls!